Press release -
Abundance, the 45th Tendencies Biennale for Nordic Contemporary Crafts.
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Galleri F 15, Jeløy, Moss, Norway
Gallery F 15 presents in collaboration with Ki Nurmenniemi, Helsinki-based art curator, art writer and doctoral researcher in interdisciplinary sustainability science, the exhibition Abundance.
The 45th Tendencies Biennial embraces abundance, a way of perceiving the world that cherishes the plurality of lifeforms, relationships, and stories. Abundance is both a conceptual framework for sparking cultural change and an aesthetic approach that celebrates layeredness and boasts all the colours of the rainbow. The broader cultural context for the exhibition is the need to reshape values in the era of climate breakdown and ecological collapses. True sustainability cannot be achieved through preservation only; it also calls for transformations and the mindful reinvention of traditions.

Abundance features newly created artworks by 14 artists living and working across the Nordic countries and the Sápmi region. Through varied conceptual starting points and a broad range of materials and techniques, their artworks make tangible the invisible natural phenomena and delicate co-dependencies that weave the webs of life on our planet. Many of the featured artistic approaches reach beyond westernized aesthetic conventions and ways of understanding. The overarching question that the exhibition addresses is How do contemporary art and crafts practices converge to create more meaningful, livable and lovable worlds?

The Artists taking part on this edition of Tendenser are:
Lene Baadsvig Ørmen (Norway) Ask Bjørlo (Norway) Hanne Friis (Norway) Ellen Grieg (Norway) Sasha Huber (Finland) Kristin Larsson (Sweden) Kim Laybourn (Norway/Denmark) Germain Ngoma (Norway) Outi Pieski, Biret & Gáddjá Haarla Pieski (Sápmi) Pearla Pigao (Norway) Elsa Salonen (Germany/Finland) Anna Ting Möller (China/Sweden) Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir (Iceland) Man Yau (Finland)
For nearly 50 years, Tendencies has been one of the leading platforms for contemporary crafts in the Nordic region. The biennial was first presented as an annual exhibition in 1971 at Galleri F 15 in Moss, Norway. Since then, the exhibition has expanded from its initial focus on Norwegian contemporary crafts to incorporating trends from across the Nordic countries. The 45th Tendencies exhibition and the adjacent symposium, both entitledAbundance, are organised in partnership with Norwegian Crafts and The Finnish-Norwegian Cultural Institute (FINNO). The Abundance symposium is generously supported by The Nordic Culture Fund and The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts (Norske Kunsthåndverkere, NK).
Galleri F 15 (established 1966) and the Momentum biennale (established 1998) are two of Norway's most prestigious exhibition venues for Norwegian and Nordic contemporary art.